Partition Wizard Home Edition 7.6 لتقسيم القرص الصلب

Partition Wizard Home Edition 7.6

برنامج مجاني للتعامل بكل يسر مع عمليات الهارديسك مثل تقليص حجم الأقراص أو دمج الأقسام (Partition)
الموجودة أو نسخ أو إنشاء أو حذف قسم أو تغيير إسمه (تغيير الحروف C/ D/ G... ) وتغيير نظام الملفات وعمل فورمات لأي قسم
بالهارديسك، كما يمكنك, بالإضافة إلى هذه الميزات , إخفاء أقسام معينة وتغيير معرفاتها وأيضا إستعادة البيانات المفقودة....وغيرها من الميزات المفيدة التي ستكتشفها عند الإستعمال.

Partition Wizard Home Edition is a free partition manager software, supports 32/64 bit Windows Operating System including Windows XP, Vista and Windows 7. Home users can perform complicated partition operations by using this powerful yet free partition manager to manage their hard disk. Functions include: Resizing partitions, Copying partitions, Create partition, Delete partition, Format partition, Convert partition, Explore partition, Hide partition, Change drive letter, Set active partition, Partition Recovery

Main Features

•Support Windows 2000/XP/Vista/windows 7 (32 bit & 64 bit) operating system.
•Support RAID.
•Extend system partition to maximize computer performance.
•Manage the hard disk for substantial performance increase.
•Create, Delete and Format partitions with simple steps.
•Disk Copy to protect or transfer data.
•Support disk and partition size larger than 2 TB.
•Convert partition format from FAT to NTFS.
•Partition Copy: Copy the entire content of one hard disk to another.
•Copy Disk Wizard: Copy the entire hard disk to another without having to reinstall Windows.
•Disk Map - Visually demonstrate your disk/partition configuration; preview the changes before applying.
•Hide/unhide partition, set active partition, etc. - Change partition properties easily.
•Explore FAT/NTFS partition.
•Set partition as primary.
•Set partition as logical.
•Rebuild MBR.
•Disk Surface Test.
•Partition Surface Test.
•Change Partition Serial Number.
•Change Partition Type ID.
•Hot Extend Partition without reboot.

File Name : pwhe7.exe

File Size : 19 MB

Requirements : Windows XP |Server 2003 | Vista |Server 2008 | Win 7

Languages : English | .....

License :  Freeware




KeePass 1.24 برنامج لادارة كلمات المرور مفتوح المصدر

KeePass 1.24


يقوم هذا البرنامج بجمع كافة كلمات المرور و أرقامك السرية بكل أمان و سهولة, و تجميعها في كلمة سرية واحدة تابعة للبرنامج كما يتيح ترتيب الأرقام السرية حسب مجال عمالها, مما يسهل على المستخدم الوصول السريع و ضمان عدم نسيان أي كلمة سرية .

KeePass is a free open source password manager, which helps you to manage your passwords in a secure way. You can put all your passwords in one database, which is locked with one master key or a key file. So you only have to remember one single master password or select the key file to unlock the whole database. The databases are encrypted using the best and most secure encryption algorithms currently known (AES and Twofish)


Main features :
  • Strong Security
  • Multiple User Keys
  • Portable and No Installation Required
  • Export To TXT, HTML, XML and CSV Files
  • Import From Many File Formats
  • Easy Database Transfer
  • Support of Password Groups
  • Time Fields and Entry Attachments
  • Auto-Type, Global Auto-Type Hot Key and Drag&Drop
  • Intuitive and Secure Clipboard Handling
  • Searching and Sorting
  • Multi-Language Support
  • Strong Random Password Generator
  • Plugin Architecture
  • Open Source!
What's new in KeePass 1.22
New Features:
  • Added option to minimize the main window after locking the KeePass workspace (option enabled by default).
  • Added {SAFARI} browser path placeholder.
  • KeePass now removes zone identifiers from the CHM help file.
  • Address space layout randomization (ASLR) is supported now.
  • Plugins: added new COM interface IKpAPI3, which extends IKpAPI2 by a lot of useful functions.
  • Plugins: added tray and cleanup notification and customization messages.
  • Plugins: added ability to delay unloading until the main window has been closed.
  • The overlay icon for the taskbar button (on Windows 7) is now restored when Windows Explorer crashes and when starting in minimized and locked mode.
  • The buttons in file save dialogs now have accelerator keys.
  • Improved opening of CHM help file.
  • Improved command availability updating of rich text context menus.
  • KeePass is now developed and compiled using Visual Studio 2008 (with MFC 9.0); older compilers, IDEs and Windows 9x aren't supported anymore.
  • Updated SAL annotations.
  • Upgraded to Boost libraries version 1.47.0.
  • KeePass.exe isn't compressed using UPX anymore.
  • Plugins: IKpAPI::GetMainWindowHandle now always returns the handle of the KeePass main window, independent from which thread the function is called.
  • Various UI text improvements.
  • Various code optimizations.
  • Minor other improvements.
File Size : 1.47 MB

Requirements : Windows XP |Server 2003 | Vista |Server 2008 | Win 7

Languages : English | .....

License : Freeware



Toolwiz Care مجموعة الادوات لصيانة وتسريع الجهاز

Toolwiz Care

تولوز الرعاية مجموعة أداة مجانية تهدف إلى تسريع أجهزة الكمبيوتر بطيئة. مع جناح أمثلية متعدد الوظائف، يوفر هذا البرنامج مجموعة من الأدوات التي تشمل فحص النظام، وتنظيف النظام، وتسريع النظام، و 40 أداة قوية لتعزيز أداء الكمبيوتر الشخصي، الأمن، وتحسين إجراءات بدء العمل. تولوز يضمن بقاء حرة مجانية المستخدمين. تم تصميم هذا الجناح أداة لجميع المستويات من مستخدمي الكمبيوتر الشخصي من المبتدئين إلى الخبراء.

Toolwiz Care is a freeware tool set designed to speed up slow PCs. With multi-functional optimization suite, this software provides a collection of tools that includes System Checkup,System Cleanup,System Speedup,and 40+ powerful tools to enhance PC performance, security, and to optimize the start-up procedure. Toolwiz guarantees users that the freeware will stay free. This tool suite is designed for all levels of PC users from beginners to experts.

Main Features :

•The Disk Cleaner tool will clean out all junk files.
•The Registry Cleaner tool will make the PC system more stable by cleaning out the bad Registry entries.
•The Registry Defrager rebuilds PC’s Registry, making the entire system run quicker and smoother.
•The History Cleaner protects the user’s privacy by deleting all activity history and surfing traces.
•The Fast Defrger will de-fragment the hard drive with it’s smart engine, keep the PC running efficiently and prevent the formation of other fragmented files.
•The Checkup module provides a full report of user’s PC system and allows the user to fix all problems with one simple click.
•The Boot Report provides a easy to read report that shows the start-up time of user’s system. It offers a detailed list of the processes loaded since booting.
•The Startup Optimizer allows the user to disable or delay the loading of any startup entries. It also provides the users with suggestions of standard processes.
•The Game Booster concentrates every system resource for gaming purpose. It temporarily shuts background processes and other unnecessary Windows services. The Game Booster also cleans out the RAM and intensifies processor performance.
•The Password Generator creates highly secure passwords with upper and lower case letters, numbers and punctuation symbols.
•The File Undelete data recovery software ensures recovery of data permanently deleted from the Recycle Bin or with the help of SHIFT + DELETE key.
System Requirements

Operating Systems Supported:

•Microsoft Windows 7 (32-bit and 64-bit)
•Microsoft Windows Vista (32-bit and 64-bit)
•Microsoft Windows XP (32-bit and 64-bit)
•Microsoft Windows 8 (32-bit and 64-bit)
Hardware Requirements

•500 MHz processor or faster processor
•512MB of RAM
•2GB of hard disk space

File Name : Setup_SystemCare.exe

File Size : 7 MB

Requirements : Windows XP |Server 2003 | Vista |Server 2008 | Win 7

Languages : English | .....

License : Freeware



DriverMax 6.36 للبحث عن تحديثات وتعريفات قطع الجهاز

DriverMax 6.36

 لن تحتاج الى تعريفات لجهازك بعد الآن، الكثير من مستخدمين الحاسوب يعانون من أيجاد والبحث عن التعريفات لقطع جهاز الحاسوب من خلال هذا البرنامج لاداعي للقلق بعد الأن يقوم هذا البرنامج بجلب أحدث التعاريف لقطع حاسوبك برنامج مميزة جدا بامكانيات جميلة جدا لاداعي للبحث عن تعاريق قطع الجهاز وأزعاج نفسك بالبحث على شبكة الأنترنت. ويمكنك من خلال البرنامج حفظ جميع تعاريف قطع حاسوبك وضغطها بكل سهولة وأعادة تركيبها في اي وقت تريده يمتلك البرنامج واجهة جميلة وبسيطة وسهلة الأستعال, يمكنك أسترجاع تعاريفك بواسطة هذا البرنامج بمدة لاتتجاوز 5 دقائق ألى 10 دقائق بالأكثر ويعتبر البرنامج الأمثل لحفظ التعاريف وأسترجعاها وأيجاد احدث التعاريف على شبكة برنامج بامكانيات مميزة جدا يستحق التجربة البرنامج حاصل على العديد من الجوائز العالمية
DriverMax is a new tool that allows you to download the latest driver updates for your computer. No more searching for rare drivers on discs or on the web or inserting one installation CD after the other. Just create a free account, log in, and start downloading the updates that you need.

Drivers are used for interfacing with:

•Video adapters
•Network cards
•Sound cards
•Local buses of various sorts - in particular, for bus mastering on modern systems
•Low-bandwidth I/O buses of various sorts (for pointing devices such as mice, keyboards, USB, etc.
•Computer storage devices such as hard disk, CD-ROM and floppy disk buses (ATA, SATA, SCSI
•Implementing support for different file systems Implementing support for image scanners and digital cameras
You can also export all your current drivers (or just the ones that work ok) to a folder or a compressed file. After reinstalling Windows you will have everything in one place!

Most of the situations when Windows is running slower are caused by faulty driver installations. Windows stores all versions of older drivers just in case you want to go back; sometimes it messes up older versions with more recent ones. The Export Wizard will only export the drivers you select by copying the needed files to a folder or a compressed ZIP file.

After reinstalling Windows all drivers will be back in place in less than 5 minutes - sparing you of searching, inserting disc after disk and losing precious time. The Import Drivers wizard allows you to install all the drivers that you exported earlier. The entire operation might take up to 5-10 minutes.

Just one single computer restart will be required after all drivers are reinstalled!

•DriverMax is able to display a complete report of all drivers (versions, release dates) installed on your system. This feature can also be very useful when you want to analyze the differences between the drivers installed on different machines.
DriverMax is fully compatible with all service packs and all editions of the following operating systems:

•Windows 7  32-bit and 64-bit, all editions and service packs
•Windows Vista  32-bit and 64-bit, all editions and service packs
•Windows XP  32-bit and 64-bit, all editions and service packs

File Name : ivermax.exe

File Size : 8.71 MB

Requirements : Windows XP |Server 2003 | Vista |Server 2008 | Win 7

Languages : English | .....

License : Freeware

