RJ TextEd 8.41 لفك شفرات ورموز البرامج الغير مفهومة

RJ TextEd 8.41

هو برنامج فك شفرة النصوص الغير الواضحة و دات لغة غير مفهومة و المرمزة
ويدعم البرنامج بناء الجملة الغير مفهومة من الاول
ويشمل البرنامج على العديد من
المميزات منها :

- البحث المتقدم عن الكلمات في الكودات المرمزة
- يحرر النصوص لي تستطيع التعديل عليها
- وكذلك فيه ميزة التدقيق الاملائي
- تحرير ملفات Html للتنسيق فيها بسهولة
- وفيه ميزة Topstyle Lite للتعديل على ملفات CSS
- كما يتضمن بروتوكول نقل الملفات العملاء اي FTP.
RJ TextEd is a full featured text and source editor with Unicode support. It is also a very powerful web (PHP, ASP, JavaScript, HTML and CSS) development editor. The functionality extends beyond text files and includes support for CSS/HTML editing with integrated CSS/HTML preview, spell checking, auto completion, HTML validation, templates and more

The program also has a dual pane file commander, as well as a (S)FTP client to upload your files. Below is a small list of features available. For a full list check out the features section.


•Auto completion.
•Code folding.
•Column mode.
•Multi edit and multi select
•Advanced sorting.
•Handles both ASCII and binary files.
•CSS and HTML wizards.
•CSS and HTML preview using internal IE, Firefox 4 and Chrome browsers.
•FTP and SFTP client with synchronization.
•File explorer, text clips, code explorer, project manager...
•Convert between code pages, Unicode formats and text formats.
•Unicode and ANSI code page detection.
•Open/Save UTF-8 encoded files without a signature (BOM).
•Unicode file paths and file names.
•HTML validation, format and repair.
•Tools available like syntax editor, color picker, charmap...

File Name :  RJ_TextEd.zip

File Size : 35 MB

Requirements : Windows XP |Server 2003 | Vista |Server 2008 | Win 7

Languages : English | .....

License :  Freeware



PeaZip 4.7.3 برنامج متميز لضغط وفك ضغط الملفات

PeaZip 4.6.1

 (شرح البرنامج)

برنامج ضغط وفك ضغط الملفات يفتح حتى ملفات ذات حجم كبير
برنامج ضغط الملفات و برنامج فك ضغط الملفات قوي في عمليه فك ضغط الملفات PeaZip يمكنه ان يضغط اي ملف ولاي صيغه تريد تقريباً
حيث يمكنه ان يضغط ملفات إلى صيغ عديدة مثل 7Z, ARC, BZ2, GZ, PAQ/LPAQ, PEA, QUAD/BALZ, TAR, UPX, ZIP ليس هذا فقط ايضاً يفك ضغط الكثير من الصيغ كثير جداً
ويعتبر برنامج PeaZip فعياً من اقوى البرامج على الاطلاق في مجال ضغط وفك ضغط الملفات والتحكم فيها ويعمل باللغات التالية Chinese, Czech, Dutch, English, French, Galitian, German, Hungarian, Italian, Japanese, Korean, Polish, Portuguese, Russian, Sinhala, Spanish, Swedish, Ukrainian, Vietnamese وغيرها
حمل نسختك مجانا لهذا البرنامج العملاق
PeaZip is a free archiver, available as portable and installable software for Windows and Linux. Create 7Z, ARC, BZ2, GZ, *PAQ, PEA, QUAD/BALZ, TAR, UPX, ZIPExtract ACE, ARJ, CAB, DMG, ISO, LHA, RAR, UDF and many more file formats .

Free, open source file and archive manager, PeaZip is cross platform, available as portable and installable software for 32 and 64 bit Windows (9x, 2000, XP, Vista) and Linux (PeaZip is a desktop neutral application).

•open: ACE, ARJ, CAB, DEB, ISO, LHA, RAR, RPM and many more archive types....
PeaZip allows to convert archives, save archive's layouts; apply powerful multiple search filters to archive's content; handle multiple archives at once; export job definition as command line; bookmark archives and folders etc...

Other features: AES256 encryption, robust file copy, split/join files (file span), secure file deletion, compare, checksum and hash files, system benchmark, generate random passwords and keyfiles.

PeaZip is available translated in various languages.
File Name : peazip-4.6.1.WINDOWS.exe

File Size : 8.4 MB

Requirements :Windows XP |Server 2003 | Vista |Server 2008 | Win 7

Languages : English | .....

License : Freeware






SlimBrowser 6.01.078 المتصفح السريع والآمن برابط مباشر

SlimBrowser 6.01.078

SlimBrowser هو سريع وآمن متصفح ويب مجانية برامج محملة بالكامل مع ميزات يدوية.

وهو يشمل مانع النوافذ المنبثقة التلقائية وحشو شكل من الأشكال ؛ تدعم مجموعات المواقع ، وتوفر الوصول بنقرة واحدة لمحركات البحث عبر مداخل بحث سريع ، وتوفر الوصول بنقرة واحدة إلى حسابات شخصية عبر مداخل التلقائي ؛ يدعم تصفية وتصفية URL الإعلان ؛ الاسم المستعار URL دعم والصنع في الأوامر. كان يجلب لك تصفح مريح وآمن.

SlimBrowser يقدم وظائف مختلفة وخيارات بحيث يمكنك أن تذهب حيث تريد وتحصل على ما تريد من خلال شبكة الإنترنت مع نقرات قليلة وممكن ، والهاء وأقل قدر ممكن.

SlimBrowser is a free web browser for Windows that is blazing fast, most secure and fully loaded with powerful features. It starts up quickly and opens web pages right in front of you with minimum delay.

File Size : 7.3 MB

Requirements : Windows XP |Server 2003 | Vista |Server 2008 | Win 7

Languages : English | .....

License :  Freeware

It is designed to let you browse the Internet safely by guarding your personal information and protecting your privacy. SlimBrowser offers various functions and options so that you can go where you want and get whatever you want over the web with as few clicks as possible and as little distraction as possible.
Intelligent Form Filler
  • The built-in form filler automatically completes online forms for you in the webbrowser software with your predefined personal name and address information.
Download Manager
  • The multi-threaded download manager built into the web browser software boosts your download speed by up to 12 times. It also allows you to resume broken downloads.
Facebook Support
  • SlimBrowser provides built-in support to access facebook features. You can easily share a page, share a picture or a piece of text on any page, and update your status on facebook.
Web Service Integration
  • SlimBrowser includes integration with various web services such as twitter, Google Buzz, blogger, Wordpress, Gmail, Hotmail, Yahoo Email, StumbleUpon, etc.
  • You can define auto-login entries which will navigate you to a predefined web page and login with predefined login information in one step upon a single click.
Site Group
  • You can put a number of sites together and save it as a site group. Next time, you can open all the web sites inside the group with a single click.
Popup Blocker
  • The popup blocker in the browser automatically kills annoying popup and pop-under ads. It helps you surf the web without being disturbed.
Ad Blocker
  • Ad blocker eliminates obtrusive advertisement images within web pages before they are even downloaded by the web browser. Save you eye soreness and save you bandwidth!
Language Translation
  • You can select and translate any piece of text within any web page without actually leaving the page. Translation can be done between any two languages.
Spell Checker
  • The spell checker automatically checks and corrects word spelling when you compose emails, write blogs, or complete web forms online.
Weather Forecast
  • Display current weather condition in the status bar of the web browser so that you know what is going on outside all the time. Five-day weather forecasting information is also available.
HTML/Script Editor
  • The ScriptPad is able to view and edit HTML source code with syntax highlighting in the web browser software. You can also edit JScript/VBScript in the ScriptPad and run it inside the active web page.
Quick Search
  • The quick-search box gives you one-click access to pre-defined search engines. You can also easily add your own search engines to the list.
Skinned Window Frame
  • A large collection of skins available for you to customize the webbrowser software appearance to suit your own taste.


FreeCAD 0.13.1535 للتصميم الثلاثى الابعاد برابط مباشر

FreeCAD 0.13.1535

 برنامج FREECAD مجاني و مفتوح المصدر و هو برنامج مفيد للمدرسين و الطلبة للهندسة الميكانيكية و الديناميكا و مناسب للعديد من التخصصات الاخري مثل الهندسة المعمارية ...

يشبه البرامج CATIA, SolidWorks , Solid Edge,   و يقوم بنفس العمل و ليس بديل عن الأتوكاد كما يعتقد بعض الاخوة و يجري مقارنات بين الأتوكاد و الفري كاد .

يسمح البرنامج بأنشاء الاجزاء و التعامل معها:

  FreeCAD is a general purpose Open Source 3D CAD/MCAD/CAx/CAE/PLM modeler, aimed directly at mechanical engineering and product design but also fits in a wider range of uses around engineering, such as architecture or other engineering specialties. It is a feature-based parametric modeler with a modular software architecture which makes it easy to provide additional functionality without modifying the core system.

FreeCAD is based on OpenCasCade, a powerful geometry kernel, features an Open Inventor-compliant 3D scene representation model provided by the Coin 3D library, and a broad python API. The interface is built with Qt. FreeCAD runs exactly the same way on Windows, Mac OSX and Linux platforms.

Key features

•A complete OpenCasCade-based geometry kernel allowing complex 3D operations on complex shape types, and supports natively concepts like brep, nurbs, booleans operations or fillets
•A modular architecture that allow plugins (modules) to add functionality to the core application. Those extensions can be as complex as whole new applications or as simple as python scripts or self-recorded macros
•A full parametric model allowing any type of parameter-driven custom objects, that can even be fully programmed in python
•Complete access from python built-in interpreter, macros or external scripts to almost any part of FreeCAD, being geometry creation and transformation, the 2D or 3D representation of that geometry (scenegraph) or even the FreeCAD interface
•Import/export to standard formats such as STEP, IGES, OBJ, DXF, SVG, U3D or STL
In development

•A Sketcher with constraint-solver, allowing to sketch geometry-constrained 2D shapes. The sketcher currently allows you to build several types of constrained geomerty, and use them as a base to build other objects throughout FreeCAD.
•A Drawing sheets module that permit to put 2D views of your 3D models on a sheet. This modules then produces ready-to-export SVG or PDF sheets. The module is still sparse but already features a powerful python functionality.
•A Robot simulation module that allows to study robot movements. The robot module already has an extended graphical interface allowing GUI-only workflow.
•A Rendering module that can export 3D objects for rendering with external renderers. Currently only supports povray, but is expected to be extended to other renderers in the future.
•An Architecture module that allows BIM-like workflow, with IFC compatibility. The making of the Arch module is heavily discussed by the community here

File Name: FreeCAD_0.13.1358_x86_unstable_setup.msi :

File Size : 82 MB

Requirements : Windows XP |Server 2003 | Vista |Server 2008 | Win 7

Languages : English | .....

License : Freeware


CPU-Z 1.62 لمعرفة مواصفات قطع الجهاز المجانى

GPU-Z 1.62

برنامج cpu-z برنامج مجاني من فئة المصادر المفتوحة " يعني أي مبرمج يحب يضيف أي زيادة على البرنامج أو يصلح الأخطاء فلا مانع من قبل المالك الأصلي " وبالتالي فهو برنامج مجانيFreeware والبرنامج يعطيك جميع تفاصيل ما بداخل جهازك مثل مواصفات المعالج واللوحة الأم والذاكرة
CPU-Z is a freeware that gathers information on some of the main devices of your system - CPU, Mainbroad ,Memory , System


•Name and number.
•Core stepping and process.
•Core voltage.
•Internal and external clocks, clock multiplier.
•Supported instruction sets.
•Cache information.

•Vendor, model and revision.
•BIOS model and date.
•Chipset (northbridge and southbridge) and sensor.
•Graphic interface.

•Frequency and timings.
•Module(s) specification using SPD (Serial Presence Detect) : vendor, serial number, timings table.

•Windows and DirectX version..

File Size : 4.73 MB
Requirements : Windows XP |Server 2003 | Vista |Server 2008 | Win 7
Languages : English | .....
License : Freeware


VirtualBox 4.2.4 برنامج عمل الاجهزة التخيلية

VirtualBox 4.2.4

هو عبارة عن وسيلة تساعدنا لإنشاء نظام داخل نظامنا الأساسي على أن يكون النظام الجديد نظاما كاملا
يمكنك الدخول إليه و التصفحمن خلاله و تجريببرامجك و كل شيء و تجريب النسخة ايضا و معرفة قدرتها
قبل تثبيتها على جهازك الحقيقي عن طريق قرص أو حتى عن طريق ملف إيزو محمل من الأنترنت يساعدك
النظام التخيلي أو الوهمي في الحفاظ على جهازك حيت أن أي استعمال للنظام لا يؤثر على النظام الأساسي
و يمكنك التخلي و التخلص عن النظام التخيلي في دقيقة كما يعتبر الوسيلة الآمن لتجريب الفيروسات و الملفات المشكوك فيها.. حيث و إن انخرب هذا النظام التخيلي وفلا تأثير على النظام الأساسي كما أن إمكانية
تثبيت أنظمة أخرى غير أنظمة ميكروسوفت ممكن أيضا و خاصة الأنظمة الصعبة التي لو ثبتها من غير خبرة
مسبقة قد تسبب لك مشاكل هذا إجمالا أما عن برنامجنا اليوم فهو برنامج رائع جدا و مجاني فلا كراكات و لا
شيء ،، كما يعتبر من اسرع البرامج في هذا المجال و منافسا قويا للبرنامج المقدم من ميكروسوفت Virtual
PC 2007 أو حتى VMware و غيرها من البرامج التي تقوم بنفس الدور

VirtualBox is a powerful x86 and AMD64/Intel64 virtualization product for enterprise as well as home use. Not only is VirtualBox an extremely feature rich, high performance product for enterprise customers, it is also the only professional solution that is freely available as Open Source Software under the terms of the GNU General Public License (GPL) version 2

Presently, VirtualBox runs on Windows, Linux, Macintosh, and Solaris hosts and supports a large number of guest operating systems including but not limited to Windows (NT 4.0, 2000, XP, Server 2003, Vista, Windows 7), DOS/Windows 3.x, Linux (2.4 and 2.6), Solaris and OpenSolaris, OS/2, and OpenBSD.

VirtualBox is being actively developed with frequent releases and has an ever growing list of features, supported guest operating systems and platforms it runs on. VirtualBox is a community effort backed by a dedicated company: everyone is encouraged to contribute while Oracle ensures the product always meets professional quality criteria.
File Name : VirtualBox-4.2.0-79765-Win.exe

File Size : 90 MB

Requirements : Windows XP |Server 2003 | Vista |Server 2008 | Win 7

Languages : English | .....

License :  Freeware


