BurnAware Free 5.2
برنامج BurnAware Free Edition يستخدم فى حرق اقراص cd , dvd يتميز بأحتوائه على عدد من الادوات التى تساعدك على حرق او انشاء اقراص سى دى cd و dvd بسهوله ويدعم صيغ الميديا و الانواع التاليه : CD-R/RW, DVD-R/RW, DVD+R/RW, BD-R/RE, HD-DVD-R/RW and DVD-RAM
BurnAware Free is a full-fledged disc burning tool fast, lightweight, feature-packed and, most importantly, 100% free. The program burns all types of CD, DVD and Blu-Ray discs containing data, digital photos, music and video. With BurnAware Free, you will be able to create bootable or multisession CDs and DVDs, high-quality audio CDs from your...