Avast Free Antivirus 7.0.1443 Beta لحماية الجهاز من الفيروسات القوى

Avast Free Antivirus 7.0.1443 Beta 

Avast  مجاني مكافحة الفيروسات هو حر كامل ICSA مصدقة برامج
مكافحة الفيروسات للاستخدام المنزلي وغير التجاري. أفاست!
الحصول على جوائز VB100 ٪ في استعراضات نشرة 2002 / 4
الفيروسات النسبية في ويندوز.

أفاست! حرة مكافحة الفيروسات يتضمن العناصر التالية :

على الطلب سكانر -- سكينبل مع واجهة بسيطة -- فقط اختر ما تريد أن
تفحص الطريقة التي يمكن بها واضغط على زر التشغيل.
على الوصول سكانر -- المقيم المسح يتم فتح جميع الملفات ، وقراءة
وكتابة ورصد السلوك مانع الأعمال الخطرة من الفيروسات.
البريد الإلكتروني الماسح يتكامل بسهولة مع معظم عملاء البريد الإلكتروني
والشيكات الصادرة والواردة على حد سواء ، فإنه يوفر التحليل الإرشادي
للمحتوى الإلكتروني للحماية ضد الديدان الجديدة.

Avast! Free Antivirus with more than 150 millions users is one of the most popular and powerful anti-virus programs in the World today! The Home Edition is absolutely free for personal and non-commercial use, and is packed with many useful new features.

File Size : 84 MB
Requirements : Windows XP |Server 2003 | Vista |Server 2008 | Win 7

Languages : English | .....

License : Freeware

Avast! Free Antivirus is perfect for people who send e-mails and surf popular websites. But if you store sensitive data on your computer, shop or bank on-line, we recommend the comprehensive protection in avast! Internet Security.
Shop and bank online with total privacy

    Avast! SafeZone opens a new (clean) desktop so that other programs don't see what's happening and it leaves no history once it's closed.

Worry-free social networking and web surfing

    Our award-winning and certified antivirus engine and shields stop even previously unknown threats for peace of mind when you chat or spend time on Facebook, Twitter, or other websites.

Prevent identity theft

    Our silent firewall stops hackers and other unauthorized entry attempts to your PC, to keep your data where it belongs safe and sound.

Keep your email inbox safe and clean

    Internet Security's antispam feature blocks both spam and sophisticated œphishing attempts, to keep you from clicking œharmless links that really can cause damage.



Wireshark 1.8.0 RC2 لمراقبة الشبكات وكشف الاختراق والتلغيم وبيانات السيرفر

Wireshark 1.8.0 RC2

يعتبر برنامج Wireshark  المجاني والمفتوح المصدر  محلل الشبكات الاكثر شعبية في العالم,فهذه الاداة القوية تقوم بالتقاط وتحليل البيانات التي يتم ارسالها واستقبالها  و  يوفر معلومات حول بروتوكولات وتطبيقات الشبكات انطلاقا من البيانات التي تم التقاطها”تصويرها”,ويتم استخدام هذا البرنامج  من اجل استكشاف مشاكل الشبكة وتحليلها ,تطوير بروتكولات البرامج والاتصال كما يستعمل ايضا للتدريس .ولتشغيل برنامج Wireshark  نحتاج الى مكتبة الشبكة   Pcap  والتي تعني (Packet capture)حتى نستطيع التقاط الحزم والبيانات التي تمر عبر الشبكة.

قبل سنة 2006 كان برنامج wireshark  يسمى ethereal قبل ان يقرر المطور الرئيسي تغيير اسمه بسبب حقوق التأليف والنشر التي تمت تسجيلها من طرف الشركة التي كان يعمل لصالحها.

ومن أهم مزايا البرنامج انه سهل التثبيت مع واجهة رسومية سهلة الاستعمال بالاضافة الى انه يعرف جميع بروتوكولات الشبكات المختلفة  يمتلك العديد من المميزات والتي سنكتشفها معا في هذه التدوينة.

 عملية تثبيت البرنامج سهلة ولا تحتاج الى اي شرح فقد عليك ان تتأكد من تثبيت مكتبة Pcap حتى يعمل البرنامج .
Wireshark is the world's foremost network protocol analyzer. It lets you capture and interactively browse the traffic running on a computer network. It is the de facto (and often de jure) standard across many industries and educational institutions.

Main Features :

•Deep inspection of hundreds of protocols, with more being added all the time
•Live capture and offline analysis
•Standard three-pane packet browser
•Multi-platform: Runs on Windows, Linux, OS X, Solaris, FreeBSD, NetBSD, and many others
•Captured network data can be browsed via a GUI, or via the TTY-mode TShark utility
•The most powerful display filters in the industry
•Rich VoIP analysis
•Read/write many different capture file formats: tcpdump (libpcap), Pcap NG, Catapult DCT2000, Cisco Secure IDS iplog, Microsoft Network Monitor, Network General Sniffer (compressed and uncompressed), Sniffer Pro, and NetXray, Network Instruments Observer, NetScreen snoop, Novell LANalyzer, RADCOM WAN/LAN Analyzer, Shomiti/Finisar Surveyor, Tektronix K12xx, Visual Networks Visual UpTime, WildPackets EtherPeek/TokenPeek/AiroPeek, and many others
•Capture files compressed with gzip can be decompressed on the fly
•Live data can be read from Ethernet, IEEE 802.11, PPP/HDLC, ATM, Bluetooth, USB, Token Ring, Frame Relay, FDDI, and others (depending on your platform)
•Decryption support for many protocols, including IPsec, ISAKMP, Kerberos, SNMPv3, SSL/TLS, WEP, and WPA/WPA2
•Coloring rules can be applied to the packet list for quick, intuitive analysis
•Output can be exported to XML, PostScript, CSV, or plain text

File Name : Wireshark-win32-1.8.0rc2.exe

File Size : 19.9 MB
Requirements : Windows XP |Server 2003 | Vista |Server 2008 | Win 7

Languages : English | .....

License : Freeware





µTorrent برنامج رائع لتحميل ملفات التورنت


 µTorrent هو برنامج خاص بتحميل الأفلام وحتى البرامج والملفات الأخرى من الإنترنت إن أغلب المميزات الموجودة في برامج BitTorrent الأخرى موجودة في µTorrent بما في ذلك التحميل التلقائي لـ RSS وتخصيص عرض النطاق والخط الرئيسي المسمى DHT والجدولة المتوافقة مع BitComet 3 إضافة إلى ذلك فإن µTorrent يدعم مواصفات الإندماج مع بروتوكول التشفير (المتوافق مع Azureus وما فوق ومع BitComet 0.63 وما فوق) ومع التبادل للنظير إن µTorrent هو نتاج فكري فهو يختلف عن البرامج الأخرى التي صممت لنفس الهدف حيث لا يستهلك مصادر النظام الثمينة فقط يستعمل أقل من 6 ميغابايت من الذاكرة ويسمح لك بإستعمال الكمبيوتر كما لو أنه غير موجود كما أن حجمه صغير جدا كما انه يحتوي على العديد من اللغات من ضمنها اللغة العربية

µTorrent is the world's most popular BitTorrent client. µTorrent is  instinctively smart. It auto-adjusts bandwidth usage based upon your network and the Internet.


•µTorrent is less than 400 KB (smaller than your Facebook pic!). It  installs ultra-fast with a light footprint on your computer, and runs super-efficiently.

•Expertly designed for fast downloads. Avoids hogging valuable system resources, runs quietly in the background, and doesn't interfere with your work, play etc.

•Simple and straightforward  that's µTorrent. With its purpose-built  interface, downloading torrents is a snap. Plus, discover new content from the App Studio.

•Our brand-new App Studio is our answer to the scourge of bloatware. Rather than stuffing your tiny client, find the features and content YOU want, on demand, and always optional.

•Access Torrent from anywhere with µTorrent Remote. Easily access your home clients privately and securely (using novel authentication and key-exchange).
Cutting Edge

•Based upon the groundbreaking BitTorrent protocol TP, Torrent maximizes bandwidth and reduces congestion - so you have the smoothest, quickest downloads possible.

•Since µTorrent is offered by the team who invented the BitTorrent open source protocol, you know you will always have access to the latest and greatest technologies.

•µTorrent is instinctively smart. It auto-adjusts bandwidth usage based upon your network and the Internet. Use Skype, play games, stream video etc., all without interference.

•It is super-easy to make Torrent all about you. Add new features through the App Studio, skin your client and more.
Plug and Play

•µTorrent is a snap to install on your home network. In most cases, it's plug-n-play. We also use UPnP and NAT-PMP technologies to prepare your router for torrent access.

File Name : uTorrent.exe

File Size : 997 KB

Requirements : Windows XP |Server 2003 | Vista |Server 2008 | Win 7

Languages : English | .....

License : Freeware



BitTorrent لتحميل ملفات التورنت


اصدار طازج من البرنامج الرائع بيتورينت لتبادل ومشاركة الملفات
برنامج خفيف وسريع جدا ويدعم التحميلات المتعددة
يستكمل التحميل في حال التوقف .....مجاني وخالي
من اي ملفات للتجسس .

BitTorrent is a fast and easy client for Windows and Mac with many features.

BitTorrent is a fast and easy client for Windows and Mac with many features. BitTorrent makes it easy to connect with cutting-edge indie artists and fast downloads .


•BitTorrent makes it easy to connect with cutting-edge indie artists. Check out the App Studio first and download movies, music and more.

•Fast downloads...that's the goal, right? BitTorrent is a light client that doesn't hog system resources, so it cruises right along.

•In a word, it's intuitive. And just wait, our new client (coming soon), is even easier. It's discover, download and play cool stuff.

•BitTorrent leverages µTP, the latest BitTorrent protocol. BitTorrent maximizes the use of network bandwidth while reducing congestion & it doesn't interfere with your other surfing. Make VoIP calls, use Skype, play games, stream video etc.

•And, since BitTorrent's developers manage the open source protocol, you always have access to the latest and greatest technologies.

•BitTorrent is a snap to install and set-up on your home network. We use the industry standard UPnP and NAT-PMP networking technologies to prepare your router for torrent access.

•It is super-easy to make BitTorrent all about you. Add new features through the App Studio, skin your client and more.

•BitTorrent is instinctively smart. It auto-adjusts bandwidth usage based upon your network and the Internet. Use Skype, play games, stream video etc., all without interference.

File Name : BitTorrent.exe

File Size : 5.79 MB

Requirements : Windows XP |Server 2003 | Vista |Server 2008 | Win 7

Languages : English | .....

License : Freeware



Google Chrome 21.0.1180.0 Beta عملاق التصفح من جوجل فى نسخة جديدة بيتا

Google Chrome 21.0.1180.0 Beta

Google Chrome: Browser,which provides a more convenient,fast and safe operation of the Internet,which has a simplified design to facilitate the work Web-search, web history, address bar,suggestions as you type.One box, which is used to perform all tasks when using the Internet.Every open in a browser tab is not dependent on the other,so the failure of one application does not affect the work of others.In addition,it allows you to create bookmarks,and track the status of the security web sites.

Enter your search query in the address bar, and you will automatically be offered to relevant queries and popular web sites. (This default service proposals for Google, which provides automatic suggestions, unless you chose default search engine does not use another service.)

Go to a Web page
If you know the address of a Web page that you want to go, enter it in the address bar. Press the Enter key on your keyboard or click the arrow icon to load a Web page. As you enter the address Chrome automatically searches in the history of visited pages, and displays the number of matches in the bottom of the drop-down menu.

Create a bookmark
When you go to an interesting Web site, which would return in the future, click on the icon marked on the toolbar, Chrome, to create a bookmark. A window appears confirming the addition of tabs.

Safety website
If Chrome detects that the web site to which you are trying to access, provides secure data transfer using SSL, you will see the following.
The background color of the address bar will change to gold.
Element "https" in the URL-address for web sites with SSL-protected connection will be displayed in green.
At the end of the address bar icon appears in the castle.
If you install SSL-enabled connection is not possible, at the end of the address bar icon appears on the prevention and, possibly, other warnings browser. When you click on this icon opens a dialog box "Security Information" containing additional information.

File Name : chrome_installer.exe

File Size : 28.7 MB

Requirements : Windows XP |Server 2003 | Vista |Server 2008 | Win 7

Languages : English | .....

License : Freeware

Date Add : 05-04-2012



Firefox 14.0 Beta 8 عملاق التصفح فى احدث نسخة بيتا

Firefox 14.0 Beta 8   

Firefox puts you in control of your Web experience. With a streamlined user interface, fun new features, enhanced performance and the newest open web technologies, Firefox delivers the future of the web, today.
Firefox 4 presented a fresh new look and features like App Tabs and Panorama, Firefox makes it easier and more efficient to navigate the Web. Firefox Sync is integrated into Firefox, giving you access to your Awesome Bar history, bookmarks, open tabs and passwords across computers and mobile devices. Firefox respects your privacy and safeguards your security with new features, like Do Not Track and Content Security Policy. Firefox also includes performance enhancements to make everything faster, from start-up time to page-load speed, and the performance of Web applications and games. Depending on the benchmark you choose, Firefox is anywhere between two and six times faster. Vroom!
New HTML5 capabilities in Firefox enable developers to create fun Web apps and websites. Firefox HTML5 support includes hardware accelerated, high-definition video (WebM), 3D graphics, offline data storage, professional typography, touchscreen interfaces, the Mozilla Audio API to help create visual experiences for sound and more. Firefox brings all this to the Web to allow developers to build the next generation of amazing, unpredictable, world-changing Web applications.
Only a few weeks ago, Firefox 5 was released as a major upgrade to the web browser, albeit with fewer new features. The main improvements are performance and "under the hood" tweaks.
Firefox 6 offered small number of new features (there are only 6 weeks between each release). One new addition is the Permissions Manager which, by typing about:permissions in to your address bar, you can set permissions for pop-up windows, cookies, passwords and more. Performance is improved and additional support for HTML5 is included. Firefox 7 offered a number of improvements to memory management, a smaller memory footprint, awesome bar changes and more under-the-hood improvements.
The brand new Firefox 10 offers much improved extension management, silent updates, improved location bar and more.


 Platform: Windows Vista 64-bit, Windows 7, Windows 7 64-bit, Windows Vista, Windows XP

User Experience
  • The enhancements to Firefox provide the best possible browsing experience on the Web. The new Firefox smart location bar, affectionately known as the "Awesome Bar," learns as people use it, adapting to user preferences and offering better fitting matches over time.
  • Firefox is built on top of the powerful new Gecko platform, resulting in a safer, easier to use and more personal product.
  • Firefox raises the bar for security. The new malware and phishing protection helps protect from viruses, worms, trojans and spyware to keep people safe on the Web.
  • Everyone uses the Web differently, and Firefox lets users customize their browser with more than 5,000 add-ons.

Size: 16.3 MB



Orbit Downloader برنامج تسريع التحميل المجانى

Orbit Downloader

 برنامج Orbit Downloader برنامج للتحميل السريع ... بل السريع جدا حيث تصل سرعته إلى 500% من أي برنامج آخر كما يقول موقعه الرسمي و سهل الإستعمال و خفيف على الكمبيوتر من حيث الحجم و من حيث إستهلاك الذاكرة و مصادر النظام و . يمكنه التكامل مع Internet Explorer و FireFox . و يدعم التحميل بالبروتوكولات التالية : HTTP و HTTPS و FTP و RTSP و MMS كما يدعم إستئناف إنقطاع التحميل . و هذا البرنامج يمكنه تحميل ألعاب الفلاش أيضا و ملفات الفيديو من Youtube و Google و ****Cafe و Myspace وDailyMotion ويمكنه تحميل الملفات من أغلب المواقع حتى من مواقع مشاركة الملفات والتعريب مع نفس البرنامج
Orbit Downloader, leader of download manager revolution, is devoted to new generation web (web2.0) downloading, such as video/music/streaming media from Myspace, YouTube, Imeem, Pandora, Rapidshare, support RTMP. And to make general downloading easier and faster

Main Features :

    Tag make you manage your download files easily
    Download social music, social video and streaming media
    Extreme download acceleration.
    Super Light: micro-sized and resource-friendly
    Support RapidShare download.
    Support IE, Firefox, Maxthon, Opera.
    Support Metalink download.
    Support HTTP, HTTPS, FTP, MMS, RTSP and RTMP protocols.
    Support Proxy server configuration.
    Support download pasue and resume.
    General download management

File Name : OrbitDownloaderSetup.exe

File Size : 4.32 MB

Requirements : Windows XP |Server 2003 | Vista |Server 2008 | Win 7

Languages : English | .....

License : Freewar




SlimCleaner 3.0.21617 لصيانة الجهاز للشبكات الاجتماعية

SlimCleaner 3.0.20442

هو البرنامج الأول لاستخدام SlimCleaner الشبكات الاجتماعية لإصلاح أجهزة الكمبيوتر والتحسين. SlimCleaner يجمع بين صناعة التنظيف أسرع جهاز كمبيوتر مع محرك مجتمع من المستخدمين الذين لتوفير الوقت الحقيقي اقتراحات لتحسين أداء الكمبيوتر. SlimCleaner يستخدم الشبكات الاجتماعية وردود فعل المجتمع من مصادر ان نقول للناس ما هو على أجهزة الكمبيوتر الخاصة بهم، وما يمكن القيام به حيال ذلك: انها مثل وجود جيش من البارعين في امور التكنولوجيا المهوسون مساعدة المستهلكين الحفاظ على آلاتهم

SlimCleaner is the first software to use social networking for PC repair and optimization. SlimCleaner combines the industry’s fastest PC cleaning engine with a community of users who provide real-time feedback to improve computer performance.  SlimCleaner uses social networking and community-sourced feedback to tell people what’s on their computer, and what they can do about it: it’s like having an army of tech-savvy geeks helping consumers maintain their machines


•The industry’s fastest, most robust engine for analyzing and cleaning unneeded files that slow down a PC. SlimCleaner’s new cleaning engine is fast and powerful, analyzing entire computers in as little as one second.
The world’s first cloud-based optimization engine that allows users to adjust startups and services that impact PC performance, using community-powered feedback.

•“More Info” Dialogs: Dialog boxes that give detailed information about what an item on a PC does and how the community views it, including peer reviews, “what should I do?” and comments from other users.
•Granular Controls: Adjustable filters let users identify unneeded software and startups in seconds.
•Badges: In addition to a personalized Wall, registered users earn badges and rewards based on various factors such as accuracy of their ratings. The Wall contains users’ personal profiles, ratings’ history, comments and trust network – whom they trust and who trusts them.
•SlimWare AV Cloud Access: Lets users scan startup vectors for viruses and view results from multiple antivirus engines.

•The first community-powered uninstaller with access to SlimWare Utilities’ community feedback, reviews and comments. SlimCleaner uses a real-time stream from the cloud to compare against community feedback and make recommendations about which applications to keep or remove.

•Erase any files you don't want on your system, Files erased with the shredder can never be recovered. Erase sensitive information forever from your PC. Removes items with up to 35 overwrite passes.
Hijack Log

•Scan for startup items, toolbars, BHOs, ActiveX controls, browser plug-ins and other third-party or malicious items that can “hijack” or modify a system. Get direct access to SlimWare’s cloud of antivirus scanners, or alternatively, VirusTotal, using the VirusTotal public API.
Windows Tools

•Conveniently organizes system tools and settings in one easy interface. See all the windows tools such as device manager, performance monitor, security settings, restore settings, system Information and much more.

File Size : 594 KB

Requirements : Windows XP |Server 2003 | Vista |Server 2008 | Win 7

Languages : English | .....

License : Freeware



