Remote Desktop Manager برنامج الاتصال عن بعد برابط مباشر

Remote Desktop Manager


 مدير سطح المكتب عن بعد هو تطبيق صغير يستخدم لإدارة كل ما تبذلونه من الاتصالات البعيدة و الأجهزة الظاهرية. إضافة أو تعديل أو حذف ، وتقاسم وتنظيم و العثور على اتصال بعيد بسرعة. متوافق مع مايكروسوفت سطح المكتب البعيد ، الطرفية ، فنك ، LogMeIn ، عارض الفريق ، FTP ، SSH ، Telnet و Dameware ، النافذة العاشر ، وير ، وأجهزة الكمبيوتر الظاهرية ، وأجهزة الكمبيوتر في أي مكان ، هايبر - V ، سيتريكس ، برنامج Radmin و Microsoft المساعدة عن بعد ، والشمس الظاهري مربع و أكثر من ذلك.

مايكروسوفت سطح المكتب البعيد (RDP)
مايكروسوفت المساعدة عن بعد
VNC ( UltraVNC ، TightVNC ، RealVNC وجزءا لا يتجزأ )
فريق عارض
FTP ( اكسبلورر ، و Filezilla WinSCP )
X النافذة
المعجون (SSH و Telnet ، و غير أمن و RAW )
Dameware البسيطة التحكم عن بعد
برنامج Radmin عارض
سيتريكس XenApp (ICA)
سيمانتيك الكمبيوتر في أي مكان
مايكروسوفت هايبر - V
PC الظاهري Microsoft
مايكروسوفت الملقم الظاهري
مايكروسوفت ويندوز الظاهري PC
أحد فيرتثلبوإكس
VMware لاعب ، برنامج VMware Workstation ، برنامج VMware ESXi و VMware vSphere
سيسكو VPN العميل
سونيك وول العالمية عميل VPN

Remote Desktop Manager is a product used to manage all your remote connections and virtual machines. Add, edit, delete, share, organize and find your remote connection quickly. It offers built-in support for Microsoft Remote Desktop, Terminal Services, VNC, LogMeIn, Team Viewer, Ftp, SSH, Telnet, Dameware, X Window, VMware, Virtual PC, PC Anywhere, Hyper-V, Citrix, Radmin, Microsoft Remote Assistance, Oracle Virtual Box and more.


Support Multiple Connection Types

Remote Desktop Manager integrates many tools and protocols like:

•Microsoft Remote Desktop
•Microsoft Remote Assistance
•Team Viewer
•Putty (SSH, Telnet, rLogin...)
•Citrix (ICA / HDX)
Automatic VPN Connection (Microsoft / Cisco / SonicWall / TheGreenBow)

•The application natively supports multiple VPN types such as Microsoft VPN, Cisco VPN, SonicWall VPN and TheGreenBow VPN.
•But the list does not end here, we also provide, as a free add-on, a large list of VPN like OpenVPN, Shrewsoft VPN and many other VPN compatible with IPSec. Downloaded and installed in few seconds.
•VPN, SSL/SSH tunnels can be opened automatically before establishing a remote connection. Their configurations can be reused between different sessions and shared by the users.
Grouping Sessions in Folders

•To simplify your management, you can organize your sessions in group (folder). The dashboard lets you see all sessions included in the selected groups and subgroups and by using the filter you can search for a specific group.
•You can easily move your groups and sessions from one to another by using drag and drop. It's possible to open several sessions at the same time by selecting a group.
Quick Connect with Template Support

•Use the quick connect feature to quickly access a remote machine using Microsoft Remote Desktop, VNC or a web page. Simply enter a host name or IP address.
•You can even create your own custom template to use any other sessions type.
Quick Access via Tray Icon Context Menu

Use the tray icon context menu to:

•Access and manage your connections.
•View your opened sessions.
•Change the active data source.
•Use the Quick connect feature.
•Access local tools such as: the command prompt, registry editor, performance monitor, remote shutdown...
Online Backup Service (with subscription)

•The Online Backup Service allows you to automatically save your sessions in a safe online storage and to restore them in case of problems.
•Losing all your precious settings due to a mistake or an equipment failure can be extremely expensive but not with this simple backup service.
•Available for both the Standard and Enterprise edition; this affordable solution is usable with any XML and Microsoft Access data source in Remote Desktop Manager.
U.S. Federal government approved encryption

•Our application integrates an Advanced Encryption Standard (AES) algorithm to protect your local files and your sensitive data in the database. A mix of our own private key and a master password (passphrase) is used to create a strong encryption key (256-bit key).
•This cipher is regarded as being very secure. AES/Rijndael became effective as a U.S. Federal government standard and is approved by the National Security Agency (NSA) for top secret information.

File Size : 19.8 MB
Requirements : Windows XP |Server 2003 | Vista |Server 2008 | Win 7
Languages : English | .....
License : Freeware


Samsung Kies لاداة اجهزة سامسونج برابط مباشر

Samsung Kies

برنامج رائع لادارة اجهزة سامسونج يتميز بالبساطة و السهولة فى الاستخدام يوجد به العديد من الامكانيات مثل نقل البيانات احتياطيا و حفظها و كذلك ادارة الوسائط المتعددة و انشاء الالبومات و قوائم تشغيل الموسيقى
Samsung Kies connects your PC to your phone, making it easier for you to synchronise data and find new apps. Using Samsung Kies, you can view apps in full screen on your PC , no matter what network you’re on. You can personalise services too, simply by becoming a Samsung Apps member or registering your mobile phone.

Samsung Apps : From PC to Mobile

•Install Samsung Kies on your PC and enjoy the option of browsing through Samsung Apps on your large computer monitor. Download multiple applications and transfer them to your mobile with ease and convenience. Enjoy the beauty of Samsung Apps, from your PC to your mobile.
Non-member downloads

•Anyone can download free apps. Members and non-members.
Wish List

•Save your favourite apps to download when you’re ready.
Easy Payment

•Save your payment details in your Samsung Apps profile for faster purchases in the future.
Smart Display

•Set your phone to only view apps that run on your handset.
My Downloads

•See all of your past purchases and downloads. Download them again if you need to.
Quick Search

•Search by keyword to get results listed in order of popularity.

File Size : 76.6 MB

Requirements : Windows XP |Server 2003 | Vista |Server 2008 | Win 7

Languages : English | .....
License :  Freeware



PostgreSQL 9.2.2 برنامج ادارة قواعد بيانات المواقع

PostgreSQL 9.2.2

نظام قواعد البيانات الترابطية القوي مفتوح المصدر

PostgreSQL له اكثر من 15 عاما من التنمية النشطة و البناء المعترف بقدراته الذي اكتسب سمعة قوية للموثوقية وسلامة البيانات وصحتها. PostgreSQL يعمل على جميع أنظمة التشغيل الرئيسية ، بما فيها Linux ، UNIX (AIX، BSD، HP-UX، SGI IRIX، Mac OS X، Solaris، Tru64) ،و ويندوز.

PostgreSQL متوافق تماما مع ACID ، و به دعم كامل للمفاتيح الخارجية ، الصلات، المشاهدات ، والمشغلات ، والإجراءات المخزنة (في لغات متعددة). وهو يشمل معظم أنواع البيانات SQL92 و SQL99 ، بما في ذلك الصحيح- INTEGER ، رقمي - NUMERIC ، منطقية- BOOLEAN ، CHAR ، VARCHAR ، تاريخ- DATE ، فاصل زمني- INTERVAL ، والطابع الزمني- TIMESTAMP.

PostgreSQL سيدعم أيضا تخزين الكائنات الكبيرة الثنائية ، بما في ذلك الفيديو والأصوات ، أو الصور. PostgreSQL له واجهات البرمجة الأصلية ل C/C++، Java، .Net، Perl، Python، Ruby، Tcl، ODBC ، من بين أخرى ، و التوثيق الاستثنائي.

قاعدة البيانات مؤسسية الفئة ، PostgreSQL يضم ميزات متطورة مثل رصد التزامن متعدد النسخ (MVCC ) ، الاستعادة في الوقت المناسب ، tablespaces ، والنسخ غير المتزامن ، المعاملات المتداخلة (savepoints) ،النسخ الاحتياطي الساخن / عبر الإنترنت ، ومخطط/ محسن الاستعلام المتطور ، و تسجيل الكتابة قدما لسماحية الخطأ.

PostgreSQL يدعم مجموعات الحروف الدولية ، ترميزات الحروف متعددة وحدات البايت ، يونيكود ، وعلم الإعدادت المحلية للفرز ، والحساسية لحالة الحرف ، والتنسيق. PostgreSQL ذو تدرجية عالية سواء في الكم الهائل من البيانات التي يمكنه إدارتها ووعدد المستخدمين المتزامنين الذي يمكن أن يستوعب.

وهناك نظم PostgreSQL نشطة في بيئات الإنتاج التي تدير ما يزيد على 4 تيرابايت من البيانات.
PostgreSQL is a powerful, open source object-relational database system. It has more than 15 years of active development and a proven architecture that has earned it a strong reputation for reliability, data integrity, and correctness. It runs on all major operating systems, including Linux, UNIX (AIX, BSD, HP-UX, SGI IRIX, Mac OS X, Solaris, Tru64), and Windows

File Size : 46.2 MB

Requirements : Windows XP |Server 2003 | Vista |Server 2008 | Win 7

Languages : English | .....

License : Freeware

It is fully ACID compliant, has full support for foreign keys, joins, views, triggers, and stored procedures (in multiple languages). It includes most SQL:2008 data types, including INTEGER, NUMERIC, BOOLEAN, CHAR, VARCHAR, DATE, INTERVAL, and TIMESTAMP. It also supports storage of binary large objects, including pictures, sounds, or video. It has native programming interfaces for C/C++, Java, .Net, Perl, Python, Ruby, Tcl, ODBC, among others, and exceptional documentation.
Featureful and Standards Compliant
  • PostgreSQL prides itself in standards compliance. Its SQL implementation strongly conforms to the ANSI-SQL:2008 standard. It has full support for subqueries (including subselects in the FROM clause), read-committed and serializable transaction isolation levels. And while PostgreSQL has a fully relational system catalog which itself supports multiple schemas per database, its catalog is also accessible through the Information Schema as defined in the SQL standard.
  • Data integrity features include (compound) primary keys, foreign keys with restricting and cascading updates/deletes, check constraints, unique constraints, and not null constraints.
  • It also has a host of extensions and advanced features. Among the conveniences are auto-increment columns through sequences, and LIMIT/OFFSET allowing the return of partial result sets. PostgreSQL supports compound, unique, partial, and functional indexes which can use any of its B-tree, R-tree, hash, or GiST storage methods.
  • GiST (Generalized Search Tree) indexing is an advanced system which brings together a wide array of different sorting and searching algorithms including B-tree, B+-tree, R-tree, partial sum trees, ranked B+-trees and many others. It also provides an interface which allows both the creation of custom data types as well as extensible query methods with which to search them. Thus, GiST offers the flexibility to specify what you store, how you store it, and the ability to define new ways to search through it --- ways that far exceed those offered by standard B-tree, R-tree and other generalized search algorithms.
  • GiST serves as a foundation for many public projects that use PostgreSQL such as OpenFTS and PostGIS. OpenFTS (Open Source Full Text Search engine) provides online indexing of data and relevance ranking for database searching. PostGIS is a project which adds support for geographic objects in PostgreSQL, allowing it to be used as a spatial database for geographic information systems (GIS), much like ESRI's SDE or Oracle's Spatial extension.
  • Other advanced features include table inheritance, a rules systems, and database events. Table inheritance puts an object oriented slant on table creation, allowing database designers to derive new tables from other tables, treating them as base classes. Even better, PostgreSQL supports both single and multiple inheritance in this manner.
  • The rules system, also called the query rewrite system, allows the database designer to create rules which identify specific operations for a given table or view, and dynamically transform them into alternate operations when they are processed.
  • The events system is an interprocess communication system in which messages and events can be transmitted between clients using the LISTEN and NOTIFY commands, allowing both simple peer to peer communication and advanced coordination on database events. Since notifications can be issued from triggers and stored procedures, PostgreSQL clients can monitor database events such as table updates, inserts, or deletes as they happen.



Google Chrome 25.0.1349.2 Beta جوجل كروم المتصفح العملاق فى نسخة بيتا

Google Chrome 25.0.1349.2 Beta

Google Chrome 24.0.1297.0 Beta  
Google Chrome: Browser,which provides a more convenient,fast and safe operation of the Internet,which has a simplified design to facilitate the work Web-search, web history, address bar,suggestions as you type.One box, which is used to perform all tasks when using the Internet.Every open in a browser tab is not dependent on the other,so the failure of one application does not affect the work of others.In addition,it allows you to create bookmarks,and track the status of the security web sites.

Enter your search query in the address bar, and you will automatically be offered to relevant queries and popular web sites. (This default service proposals for Google, which provides automatic suggestions, unless you chose default search engine does not use another service.)

Go to a Web page
If you know the address of a Web page that you want to go, enter it in the address bar. Press the Enter key on your keyboard or click the arrow icon to load a Web page. As you enter the address Chrome automatically searches in the history of visited pages, and displays the number of matches in the bottom of the drop-down menu.

Create a bookmark
When you go to an interesting Web site, which would return in the future, click on the icon marked on the toolbar, Chrome, to create a bookmark. A window appears confirming the addition of tabs.

Safety website
If Chrome detects that the web site to which you are trying to access, provides secure data transfer using SSL, you will see the following.
The background color of the address bar will change to gold.
Element "https" in the URL-address for web sites with SSL-protected connection will be displayed in green.
At the end of the address bar icon appears in the castle.
If you install SSL-enabled connection is not possible, at the end of the address bar icon appears on the prevention and, possibly, other warnings browser. When you click on this icon opens a dialog box "Security Information" containing additional information.
File Name : chrome_installer.exe

File Size :30.7 MB

Requirements : Windows XP |Server 2003 | Vista |Server 2008 | Win 7

Languages : English | .....

License : Freeware

